Sunday, February 22, 2009

do you use generics?

Maybe the proper name is off-brand, but you know what I mean. Do you buy things like Equate shampoo and Great Value facial tissue? I do. Not always, and not until fairly recently, but I do because when you're on a budget, it's a way to spend less money.

When it comes to a lot of groceries, I'm fine with buying the cheaper version. At Target, they have lines called Market Pantry and Archer Farms. All of January, I got an extra 10% off those items, so you know I stocked up. I got cereal, pasta, peach tea mix, toilet paper, and bottled water.

Today at Wal-Mart, I bought the cheapest canned goods I could find. Who cares if it's not Hunt's diced tomatoes or Del Monte corn? Not this frugalista. :)

And while we've drastically reduced the amount of pop we have in our home, occasionally you need a glass of ice cold, refreshing Diet Dr Thunder.

He's such a poser.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

Some things I do (canned veggies, Safeway brand frozen meals, WalMart brand baggies) and some things I don't (trash bags, shampoo, etc).

Unfortunately, the commissary here seldom has generics so I try to watch the circulars and see if I can get good deals on things but I don't really go out of my way for savings here like I did on the mainland, it's just SO much trouble to get around this rock, sometimes.

I'm glad you're blogging again. I enjoy this one already!