Monday, December 22, 2008

Life has been busy as of late. My last rotation for the semester required a 3 hour round-trip commute four days a week and ten hour workdays. And THAT required a solid day of doing nothing at home. Hopefully now that I'm on Christmas break, I can start writing on here more often.

Here's a meal I made a long time ago, but never posted:

The chicken and pineapple goodness is courtesy of a crockpot and Homemade Gourmet seasoning. Yum. This is my plate with the bell peppers; DH's vegetable for that night was carrots. The mashed potatoes look runny because I made them with a Magic Bullet! (This was before the wedding and before we owned three hand mixers.)

Another reason life has been busy: DH was in a very intense police academy for 25 weeks, and he graduated on Friday! I made cupcakes for my po-po:

1 comment:

LadyConcierge said...

Those are some huge cupcakes! Congrats, Mark.